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Frequently Asked Questions
Some common questions about GoalSumo
How does GoalSumo turn my goals into reality?
Why is GoalSumo better for my goals versus other productivity apps?
What is a "Goal-Chain" ?
How many Goal-Chains can I have?
Does GoalSumo offer a prioritization system for daily tasks?
How come I can only set one POWER Task?
Can I print my goals and "to do" lists? I prefer to do things by hand.
What happens to daily tasks that I don't complete?
What happens if I delete a goal that I no longer want to achieve?
Does GoalSumo integrate with a calendar system so I can set deadlines?
How does the gamification system work?
I'm a student. Can GoalSumo help me?
I want to become a celebrity. Can GoalSumo help me?
I'm a life coach. Do you have an affiliate program?
Finally, a simple task system that targets your dream life.
GoalSumo optimizes your daily productivity into a goal-crushing machine keeping you laser-focused on what's important, while not neglecting the essential.
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